About Me

Thanks for visiting my blog. My name is Kea. I am a happily married, stay at home mother. I make cakes part time from home, and love every minute of it. I have been baking and decorating cakes since 2009. This blog is mainly a gallery of my work as I practice and sharpen my cake decorating skills. I hope you enjoy!! Comments are always appreciated :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Dino-lizard creature cake

So, I got a cake airbrush for Christmas from my wonderful hubby. My son's 3rd birthday was a few days after Christmas, so I figured his cake would be the perfect cake for me to practice on.

My boy LOVES dinosaurs. I decided to make him a dinosaur cake... although it turned out looking more like a dino-lizard creature than a dinosaur...

I usually don't get requests to make 3D carved cakes. I knew this is what I wanted to do for my boys cake. I was a tad worried, since I have never carved a dinosaur before (or dino-lizard creature). It was actually really fun to put his body together. Next, I covered him in white fondant, allover.... details and all. I then quickly wanted to airbrush light green and blue spots on him, but of course I couldn't get the airbrush to work correctly (this being the first time I ever even opened the package.... so totally my fault). Since my airbrush idea failed, I decided to paint him green with my gel colors. Meanwhile my sister (she's great :) ) worked on fixing the airbrush... and got it working!... just a tad too late. I was, however, able to spray his spots on (instead of paint). The colors must have been too dark on top of one another, the blue spots actually looked black. Due to my lack of planning and poor time management, I
was unable to apply his spikes alongside his back, which would have been the 'dinosaur' giveaway. Without his back spikes he was just a dino-lizard creature... which my boy (and everyone else) LOVED!!

Poker theme cake

I made a poker themed cake for a local group of poker buddies. The playing cards and the logo were printed sugar paper images (from local grocery store bakery dept.) that I 'glued' onto fondant and the cut into card shapes. I made all the poker chips from fondant as well.

Pink Grover theme cake

This cake was pretty fun, although the sculpting element was a little bit of a challenge for me. The client wanted a Grover cake for his daughters birthday, but still wanted it to be cute and girly (not Sesame St.). Her favorite colors were pink and purple, and just to tie Grover in I added blue.

I sculpted Grover from fondant and then 'painted' him with dark blue buttercream. Once all the elements were dry (Grover, curly Q's and the 'explosion' top) the cake could be assembled. 

I have never sculpted a character like this before. I think he turned out pretty good :)

Lego cupcakes

My nephew needed cupcakes to take to school for his classmates for his 6th birthday. Lego was the theme. Here are his cupcakes :) I used my wonderful new Lego mold that I made to create the Lego blocks

Lego cake

This year, my nephew wanted a Lego cake for his 6th birthday. He wanted a cake were his little plastic Lego men could 'peel' away the fondant on the cake.

I was also EXTREMELY excited to try a new technique to create Lego blocks. I have made Lego cakes and cupcake toppers previously, but while they looked great, making each block individually (each with 4-6 individually pegs on top) was very time consuming... So I decided to make a mold of a real Lego block to help me replicate fondant blocks much much faster. I knew I would be making many more Lego cakes in the future so decided it was worth the $13 mold kit investment ;) I used a food safe silicone mold making kit (purchased at my local craft/hobby store). I borrowed a few of my nephews Legos in various sizes and followed the kit instructions. It was very simple.

 I made one mold of 3 Legos with their regular thickness (for cupcakes and random pieces, to mimic real Legos) and one mold of 3 Legos with a very shallow thickness (I used this on top of the cake). Looks like a pile of real plastic Lego pieces, right? :)

Purple ombre' buttercream rosette cake

Its not often that I make buttercream cakes, but I loving making them when I get the chance. This is a cake I made using ombre' purple buttercream, piped in rosettes (M3 tip). I added 2 butterflies that I made from fondant.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Simple blue/pink gender reveal

Gender reveal cake time! I love making these cakes and being apart of the experience :) I usually get a call or a text from the ultrasound tech with the results; boy or girl. Then its time to bake! My client wanted something simple.

"He or She. Open to see..." with a fondant bow. The cake inside was ombre for.... girl! pink ombre :) Here is a picture of this cute family's reaction!